
Showing posts with the label Bed

Afraid of The Dark Blame Your Brain Not Monsters Under The Bed #Bed

#Bed | Fear is a common response to darkness, especially in children, and now scientists think they might have figured out the brain mechanisms behind it,  mechanisms that work in a couple of areas of the brain in particular. to Continue Reading...... How Jane Fonda Became the Most Radical Woman in Hollywood Again #Hollywood | At the age of 83, the actress, activist, and feminist is redefining what it means to be an bonafide icon. read more... Winter to spring transition in Ayurveda #Spring | From winter to spring in Ayurveda, we are transitioning from the late winter season (ŚiΕ›ira, mid January to mid March) and into spring (Vasanta, mid March to mid May). Get Ayurvedic tips on how to transition from winter to spring. read more... Water Filtration Techniques #Water | Water filtration becomes a challenge when you are out there in the wilderness. Here are some ways to make available water safe for drinking. read more... Paradise Lost adventure ga...

The Best Caribbean Food In Crown Heights amp Bed #Bed

#Bed | In this installment of Island Hopping for NYC’s best Caribbean food, Shelley Worrell, founder of CaribBEING, takes us to Crown Heights and Bed-Stuy. to Continue Reading...... Rightwingers tried to discredit Trump a foesa with honey trap plot a report #Report | Efforts included Γ’€˜planned sting operationΓ’€™ targeting HR McMaster and fake dating app profiles to attract FBI, says New York Times read more... The golden ratio an ancient Greek formula could be responsible for most hit musicals #AncientGreek | A formula found often in nature, many artists believe that following the golden ratio leads to the most aesthetically pleasing work. It can also accidentally turn up in musicals. read more... NBC Executives On Fate Of lsquo Good Girl rsquo s lsquo Zoey rsquo s rsquo lsquo Manifest rsquo lsquo Debris rsquo amp lsquo Ellen rsquo s Game of Games rsquo ldquo All Options Are Going To Be On The Table rdquo #Games | Wit...